Back to the Film!
Each week the Back to the Film lads sit down to chat about a different film. Back to the Film is hosted by Adam, Rob, Blue, Oliver, Alex and Andy. In each episode we discuss a movie and each give our take on the good and bad points. We all have very different tastes in films and what makes a good movie often leading to tenuously related topics being covered. Basically it's a light hearted look at different movies during which the hosts often have to be reminded to go Back to the Film! Sign up and tune in each week to get our light hearted and often chaotic look into different films.
Back to the Film!
Howl's Moving Castle 2005
This week in a break from the norm we took a look at the Hayao Miyazaki animated film Howl's Moving Castle. At times this film is visually stunning but as with many of Miyazaki's films sometime a little hard to follow. The story in Howl's Moving Castle is based in an alternate reality filled with wizard, witches, turnip topped scare crows and talking fire. A great film for younger audiences which did fantastically well at the box office. listen on to hear what we thought of it. This film was a suggestion so thank you to Etsuko for suggesting the film.
To leave a suggestion and get in touch email us at backtothefilm20@gmail.com