Back to the Film!
Each week the Back to the Film lads sit down to chat about a different film. Back to the Film is hosted by Adam, Rob, Blue, Oliver, Alex and Andy. In each episode we discuss a movie and each give our take on the good and bad points. We all have very different tastes in films and what makes a good movie often leading to tenuously related topics being covered. Basically it's a light hearted look at different movies during which the hosts often have to be reminded to go Back to the Film! Sign up and tune in each week to get our light hearted and often chaotic look into different films.
Back to the Film!
Wicked Little Letters 2023
This week we take a look at the hidden gem Wicked Little Letters. Based on the true story of a series of letters laced with profanities that were sent to various residents in the sea side town of Littlehampton in the 1920's. At the time the letters were seen as so serious that the then home secretary himself got involved. Rose Gooding was accused and convicted of sending the letters but was she the culprit? Were these letters a prelude to trolling that we all to often hear of today?!